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Waitlist Policy


La Escuelita Spanish Immersion Preschool currently has a waitlist for most preschool age groups and schedules. When a family goes on the waitlist, they understand that La Escuelita SIP may have policy, procedure, and/or tuition changes between waitlist placement and enrollment.

Steps to Join Our Waitlist

In order to be placed on La Escuelita’s waitlist, parents must:

  1. Fill out the application below;

  2. Take a tour of La Escuelita Spanish Immersion Preschool (our next tour is scheduled for April 25, 2024 for parents interested in enrolling their child for the 2024-2025 school year and beyond ); and

  3. Fill out and turn in the Admission Application for your child

Factors of Waitlist in order of Priority

Your child’s waitlist position will be determined by:

  1. The date you turned in the completed Admission Application

  2. Whether your child is a sibling of a currently enrolled student

  3. Whether you are a returning family or alumni family

  4. Whether your child’s age matches La Escuelita’s available spot

  5. Whether your child’s schedule request matches La Escuelita’s availability


Explanation of Waitlist Priority

Priority for enrollment goes first to siblings of currently enrolled students, then to returning families including alumni, and then to new students.  When La Escuelita’s office calls a waitlisted family to let them know a spot has become available, that family has two-three business days to respond to either accept or decline the spot.  After that period has lapsed, La Escuelita will call the next family on the waitlist, based on the priority criteria detailed above.

Openings for Children on Waitlist

When La Escuelita Spanish Immersion Preschool has an opening and there are families on the waitlist who desire the opening, we have a very specific protocol.  La Escuelita SIP will move down the list of children on the waitlist according to the date that the Admission Application was submitted.  Each family will be offered the spot in sequence and will have 2-3 business days to respond by calling 214-339-3776 or visiting La Escuelita SIP to either accept or decline the spot.  If a family accepts the offer, they must bring in full payment for the first month’s tuition and any other fees owed (enrollment fee+ materials fee).  The child must either start on the day that the opening is available, or the family must begin paying tuition on the date that the opening is available.

If La Escuelita SIP’s office calls a family for an immediate opening, the family must start their child within two (2) weeks of the opening or begin paying within two (2) weeks of opening (this only applies to spots that are available immediately).

Openings if No One is on the Waitlist

If an opening becomes available and there are no children on the waitlist for that desired age and schedule, La Escuelita Spanish Immersion Preschool has a specific policy.  La Escuelita SIP will send out an email to all families who have toured that have an age-appropriate preschool student.  The first family to respond by calling our office at 214-339-3776 will get the spot.  The family then has three (3) business days to turn in a full Registration Packet and all fees in order to enroll their child in the available spot.  If that family fails to bring in their Enrollment Packet and fees within three (3) days, then La Escuelita SIP will move to the next family with an age-appropriate student, and so on.


Transition from Waitlist to Enrolled 

The steps a family must take to transition from the waitlist to having their child enrolled at La Escuelita Spanish Immersion Preschool are:

  1. Accept opening offer within twenty-four (24) hours by calling 214-339-3776 or by visiting La Escuelita SIP;

  2. Pay the first month’s tuition and any other owed fees;

  3. Sign and return any missing or updated enrollment paperwork within three (3) business days of accepting the spot

Registration and Materials Fees

La Escuelita Spanish Immersion Preschool’s Registration and Materials Fees are nonrefundable and are charged when a child is enrolled. Registration and Material Fees cover enrollment from August through May.  Families that enroll a student in our June Summer program will only pay a material fee.